Create your own library of sounds

Use any digital device available to you to record a series of original sounds. I have listed a number below that I want you to record but the more you can add the better.

You will need these for your GCSE project when you start back.

Each one will need to be saved with its own name and stored – ideally on your OneDrive cloud storage. I will add a help sheet on how to do this if you are unsure.

Use the table below to record the name of each sound file, how you made it along with any comments about it (eg difficulties you got over, successes, failures).

Some sound recordings will need you to use your imagination. For example, what will alien speech sound like? In the Science Fiction film “District 9” Alien speech was made by scraping pumpkins!

Sound Effect

Sound file name and time in seconds

Window Opening
Footsteps on gravel
Traffic sounds
Door closing shut
Window closing
Car door closing
Car door opening
Door handle opening
Alien talkAlien Talk 6 seconds
Vacuum cleaner being used
Walking upstairs
Sea waves ( use a bath?)
Spacecraft landing

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